October 11, 2008

Six months ago
On Thursday, we had our six month check up as adoptive parents. We will have one more when we have had Jinnae for one year. It is hard to believe that it has already been close to six months. We first held Jinnae on April 24, 2008. October 24 will be six months. Well, I had no worries about this check up ahead of time. I was pretty confident it would go well.
Here is what happened:
I picked Jinnae up from daycare at 4:30 pm.
We went to Family Fare and bought some heat up coookies so the house would smell good when the social worker was there. We also bought some chicken and macaroni and cheese from the deli for dinner.
We arrived home and picked up the house and then had dinner. Halfway through dinner, Jinnae pushed her plate away (anyone who has ate with Jinnae knows this doesn't happen. She never leaves even a crumb)
So, I say,
what is wrong Jinnae? She looks horrible all of a sudden. I get her out of the high chair and she begins to fall asleep in my arms. Her lips turn purple, she begins shaking and feels like an ice cube. I freak out and call Rick. I can't get a hold of him. I call my sister, I can't get a hold of her. I decide I cannot keep making phone calls, I need to take care of Jinnae so I wrap her up in two blankets and hold her. She looks like she is going to throw up. Then she has bad diarrhea. It was everywhere. All over her and me. Next, I gave her a bath. She seemed to do a lot better after that. I look at the time at the social worker should be arriving in five minutes. No time to cancel the appointment now. I quick change, Rick walks in the door, and the doorbell rings. The meeting did go well, except for Jinnae being sick, the house smelling unpleasant and they documented a mark by Jinnae's lip from when she fell on her toy box earlier in the week. Hopefully, the next check up goes better. Jinnae has been fine since but I will be talking to my doctor tom. We still have the cookies. We will heat them up another day. Also, Rick was late because he was getting me an early birthday present. I will post about how awesome he is another day. :)