We have been less busy this weekend which is nice. We had a great church service on Friday night where we discussed and came up with a plan to help others in need this holiday season. There is a website called Other People Matter where you can find needs in your community and help. We also have begun focusing on the Jewish perspective and background of Jesus.
Jinnae is close to being able to walk and is a very happy girl. I look forward to the coming short work week - only 2 1/2 days until Thanksgiving Break! We also are excited to start some new and continue some old family traditions with Jinnae.
This is a picture of Jinnae waiting to go to daycare. Rick is wonderful about getting her ready each morning. He gets her up, changed, dressed, and even does her hair. Here she is waiting patiently on the couch while Rick puts his shoes on. She is very happy in the mornings. I have the privilege of picking Jinnae up in the evening. I cannot resist trying to help out in the morning though and Rick has to remind me that the morning is his time. :)