Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Adoption Day - April 24, 2008

April 2009

April 2008

April 2008

We celebrated Jinnae's Adoption day a couple of days early since we have other appointments on the actual day - April 24. Jinnae wore a traditional dress and we went out to eat at a local Chinese restaurant in Allendale. We had a great time as a family and laughed a lot as we discussed memories of being in China last year. Jinnae has brought us so much joy.

Imitating Dad

Jinnae loves to imitate everyone now. She especially likes to copy her dad.

Fun with Aunt Rhonda and Cousins


Jinnae's Aunt Rhonda and her cousins came over on Sunday for a movie. We had a good time enjoying pizza, snacks, visiting, and watching a movie. We hope to see them again soon.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

He Has Risen!

Jinnae's new smile for pictures - she squints her eyes and smiles when a camera is on her. She's not crying.
Grandma is always having fun!

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Matthew 28:6
We attended Resurrection Life Church in Grandville today with my family. My niece, Katrina did an interpretive dance. Afterwards, we went to my sister's and had a wonderful lunch and fun Easter egg hunt.
Jinnae was also blessed with many baskets from friends and family this week. Rick and I want to teach her to be thankful for these kind gifts and most importantly to love God and others.

Race Number 4

Happy Birthday, Grandma!
Rick ran in his fourth 5K race on Saturday. His time was 23.54. The race was the Town Crier in Saugatuck. After that, he helped his sister move, then went to my grandma's birthday at Fricano's, (Grandma turned 88) and also helped me make the turkey for Easter by checking it at 2:00 and 4:00 am! He is amazing!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Cooking

For our family gathering tomorrow, I was put in charge of dessert and the turkey. I decided to make death by chocolate dessert. Jinnae loved licking all the spoons afterwards from the cake, pudding, and whipped cream. Good thing, Rick was gone running, he would not approve. He likes for Jinnae to eat neatly and to not have sugar. :)
Next, for the turkey. I am not so excited about this project. We will see how it turns out.

Spring Break 2009

I have been on Spring Break this week and we decided to stay in town. We have been having a great time together as a family. We have taken walks, gone out to eat, shopped, garage saled, attended a funeral of a family friend in Baldwin, taken care of the neighbor's dog, went to an Easter Egg hunt, spent quality time with family and friends, and even built and organized shelves in our basement. It has been a wonderful week and as always has gone way too quickly. We look forward to a birthday dinner with Jinnae's great grandma this evening.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thank you, Jesus

Today is Good Friday. Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me. Life is a journey. There are ups and downs, and sometimes there are things I do not understand. What I do know, is that you gave your life for me, rose again, and love me with an everlasting love. I know you celebrate with me in my joys and cry with me in my pain. Thank you for who you are. You are my Savior and friend. Help me to always be a witness for you in what I say and what I do. I love you.