Sunday, November 8, 2009


Jinnae was Little Red Riding Hood, Rick was the Big, Bad Wolf and lucky me, I got to be the grandma for Halloween. We had a great time. Grandma Pulaski made Jinnae's costume, and Rick made his. The Pulaski's are gifted in measuring and sewing. I bought mine at the Goodwill. :) Jinnae went to ten houses and then looked at us and said, All done. She had a great time and loved getting all the candy.

First Caramel Apple

Jinnae enjoyed her first caramel apple this season. It was messy but she loved it!

Sasha's Wedding Shower

Sisters forever - Katrina, Sasha, Jewel and Autumn

My sister, Sally, and her daughter, Sasha

My niece, Sasha, is getting married next month. I am so happy for her. She is getting married in Alabama and Jinnae will be the flower girl. We had a great time at her bridal shower and I was honored to do the devotions.