Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Poofs and Whammys!

I was visiting with a friend during the Superbowl and she was telling me about someone she knew who it seemed everything worked out perfect for. She needed a car, and Poof! someone gave her car, she needed a job, Poof! she had a job, she wanted a baby, Poof! she was pregnant. After this story, I said, God must think she cannot handle very much. I think he thinks I can handle a lot because my story goes like this: My car broke down and Whammy! I was without a car for six weeks, I have my house sold, and Whammy! the buyer backs out, I long for a child, and triple Whammy! I have to wait longer. We laughed because we all know life is hard, but God is good. :)

Rick and I received our monthly adoption update today. We are in the last step of the process and getting very close to receiving a picture of our precious daughter(s).

The Bad News: The time frame has increased once again. At this point, our agency informs us we should receive our baby's (ies) picture in May and leave for China in June.

Common Questions:
Why is there another delay? There are many orphanages in China but they are not all approved for adoption. The Center for China's Adoption Affairs is working diligently to get more orphanages approved.

More wealthy families in China are adopting now. These families are priority over American families.

Are you and Rick angry? Angry- No. Sad - yes. Rick and I did not start this process on a whim. We prayed, researched, prayed, studied, prayed and sat down with six agencies before deciding which country and which agency to go with. God made it very clear to us , to adopt from China. We were both extremely comfortable and happy with the Great Wall of China agency. Our social workers are awesome. They are extremely understanding and they are there anytime for us. I mean literally anytime. I have had break downs at midnight and e-mailed one of my social workers. She responds back within 15 minutes and always has the right words to make me feel better! God is in control. We trust Him.

The Good News: It looks like I won't have to miss any work. We have more time to paint the nursery.

Thanks for your prayers. They are very much appreciated.
