Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shelby's House

Shelby and Vicki
Jinnae and I had a great time hanging out at my good friend Shelby's house. Jinnae loves playing with all six of Shelby's children. Connor was at a Pistons game with his dad but everyone else was home and entertained Jinnae. The kids play nice and Shelby and I can visit over a diet coke. Thanks for inviting us over, we look forward to coming again soon.

Sasha's Ring

Sasha was home recently on Spring Break so I had to see the ring. Here is a picture of it. Jay did well. We had a nice time visiting with Sasha and we are excited that she will be able to take some classes in Grand Rapids this summer so she can be home before she gets married. Yea!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday was the First Day of Spring!

Friday was the first day of Spring. Yea! We are enjoying the nicer weather! We all seem to have more energy.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Irish Jig Race 2009

John and Michael

Alex, our neighbor

Rick, my hubby

Rick was in his third race today. He did well, his time was 24.50. His goal is 23.00. Our neighbor, Alex and our friends, John and Cynthia Shyne, along with their daughters ran too. Their son, Michael, (who is also my student :))hung out with Jinnae and I. We tried to get some candy at a candy shop while we waited but the line was too long and we didn't want to miss our families cross the finish line. It was very cold yet fun. Great job, everyone!

Where Did She Learn This?

Jinnae was playing the other day and then she comes up to me and does this. I'm guessing she learned it at daycare or from her dad. :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Train Her Young

Jinnae is in the imitation stage. It has been fun. The other day she saw me dusting and found a dust rag to help. She also enjoyed vacuuming with her vacuum. She actually does keep things pretty neat and tidy which is nice. Hopefully this habit stays.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Race Number 2

Rick was in another 5k yesterday. It was the Black River Rat Race in Holland. Rather than ice and snow this time, he got rain. He did improve his time. He ran it in 24.41. His next race will be the Irish Jig in two weeks. We are hoping for good weather. Go Rick!


My Aunt Carol's friend made Jinnae some booties that are bigger and still fit her. Jinnae always takes off her shoes and socks and runs around barefoot. Recently though, she wants to have these booties on and leaves them on! She gets upset when we take them off at night to put her pajamas on with feet in them. I'm glad they are getting good use.

Adoption from China

I heard these from a friend and thought they were humorous.

You may have adopted from China if:

*You know I-600 and I-171 are not highways.

*Your home study is followed by a number. (#1, #2, #3, #4...)

*You paid for three citizenships before bringing anyone into the United States.

*You have been fingerprinted 4 times but never committed a crime.

*When you speak of that time of the month you are talking about the China Center of Adoption Affairs updates.

*You love someone with all your heart that you have never met before. :)

Met Through Pictures First

On Tuesday, we remembered how we received Jinnae's pictures a year earlier. We will never forget that day. We had waited three years for those pictures. I was at work and checked my
e-mail at lunch. Our agency e-mailed that they thought they might receive our baby's pictures in the mail that day but they might not, and they would call if they did. It was difficult to teach after that since I kept waiting for my phone to ring but tried not to get too excited in case it didn't. I did get a call around 2:00 pm from my agency. My students happened to be in computer class at the time so I could concentrate well. :) Rick and I were so happy!