Thank you for all the wonderful comments from everyone!
We are unable to call due to technical difficulties and e-mail is somewhat difficult here but we are thankful we can post on the blog and keep you updated.
Today we went to the notary office in the morning and had a quick interview. Everything went well. Then we went to the Wal-mart here. Rick would rather shop the local places but we were able to get things we needed like formula, diapers, and diet coke. Yes, Vicki needs diet coke even though it doesn't exist in this province. I have had to settle for something similar that tastes like Coke Zero.
Wal-mart was an adventure. Everything was written in Chinese of course. Also, Jinnae is a little entertainer. She coos and smiles at everyone so they come over and visit her. Then she starts jumping up and down and really puts on a show. The people here are so friendly.
In the afternoon, Jinnae took a nap and played. This evening we went to a Chinese restaurant. Rick loved all the choices of different foods. I ate a plate of rice. Jinnae enjoyed steamed eggs. She couldn't get enough of them. We went to dinner with other adoptive parents. For 15 people to eat there, it only costs $26.00 in American money. Amazing!
Jinnae entertained there as well, and many of the locals stopped us on the way out because they thought she was so cute. (and is :)) All the locals tell Rick and I thank you for adopting Jinnae, that she is a very lucky girl. I cry at their kindness. You just don't see this type of friendliness all the time. Even though there is the language barrier, we understand each other. Our interpreter Kelly, has been great! One of the pictures is Jinnae with Kelly.
Hello to all of our families, friends, MCS staff and students, and Mrs. Medema and the fifth graders. Love and miss everyone. See you all in a few weeks with our new addition.
Hi Mrs. Pulaski!
It's Hunter! Your baby girl is really cute and looks so happy and healthy! You look like a very very happy new mom. We miss you at MCS. Have fun in China! Congratulations!
Hi Vicki!
We cried tears of triumph for you when we saw you holding your precious daughter at last. What a
beautiful family! God bless your travels and time in China!
Ruthie and Butch
Hey Vicki!
I'm thinking about you often, and praying for you always!! I live from blog entry to blog entry to see those pictures of your adorable little girl! I'm far too wordy to post all the things I want to say, so I'm filling your e-mail inbox with lots of well-wishes, thoughts, and ramblings which you can read when you get back!
Love ya!
She is so cute Vicki and Rick! Sounds like things are going well for you guys. My mom too thought she looked a lot like Lia did when she was a baby. And Lia too loved the steamed eggs. Have fun and Rick, don't be TOO adventurous with the food b/c several of our travel mates got really sick by doing that. Keep blogging often!
Congratulations, Vicki and Rick! Jinnae is just precious!!! We praise God with you. We were so surprised to hear from Trish that you were traveling earlier than you expected. How wonderful that something happened sooner than planned in your adoption journey. :-)
We're so glad that Trish passed along your blog. It's been so fun to read your posts and see pictures of sweet little Jinnae. It makes us think of our trips to China for Hannah and Ava. We'll keep praying that things will continue to go well.
Sheryl and Doug Baker
Pulaski family,
You are so blessed to have such a cute baby. Those first pictures you got with her in the pink, the ones that you got from the agency. They don't even begin to express her cuteness. These last pictures have expressed it, must be because she's so happy with her new parents. All the big smiles and giggly faces. She's blessed too, to have such nice gifted parents and generous grandparents. We miss you a lot!
Your baby is soooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!! I bet that your so excited that you have had her for two days now! She is so cute. You are very blessed to have such a adorable baby girl!
Rick and Vicki,
Congrats!! Your happy family is now complete!! Take care!!
Jim and Debbie Jackson
Hi Vicki and Rick
Love those smiles - from ear to ear! I am so happy for you! Praise God for such a great blessing!
Love the blog too- we wonder at school what you are doing every day, and it is so great to check in on the blog. Isn't technology great!
Congrats! Vonnie
She has a beautiful smile. I can't wait to pinch those cheeks:) If you'll let me?
Hi Vicki,
Jessica showed me how to get to your blog so I could see your adorable Jinnae! I just want to squeeze those cheeks! I am so happy for you and Rick...I teared up looking at your pictures and reading all the entries from the past weeks. I can't imagine how you're feeling...finally having that beautiful baby in your arms...what an amazing great God we serve! We pray safety for the rest of your stay and for your travels home...betcha you can't wait to sleep in your own bed!! Take care and enjoy every memory you're making.
Chris & Jessica South
Hi Mrs. Pulaski!
This is Jaitlynne and family....
Your baby girl is beautiful and you look so happy. I hope your trip is wonderful and hope to see your daughter soon.
Jaitlynne H.
oh my gosh! she is so cute and i cant wait to see you again!i just want to hold in person im trying to keep my mom from crying!
Jessy S. a 5th grader in your class
Hi Mama and Daddy,
Jinnae is certainly a beautiful baby. She had two beautiful parents also. We can't wait to hold her when you get home. Seeing that little smile makes grandma and grandpa smile.
Vicki, I can't believe you just had rice for supper. Didn't they have any cheeseburgers?? We love you and can't wait til you get back home. Love, Mom and Dad
Hi Sister!
Steamed eggs? Are those like boiled eggs? I could boil some for mothers day. Or are steamed eggs like fried eggs? I'll have to get my Betty Crocker Cookbook for this one.
Love ya,
Hey Rick and Vicki!
It's been great to see the pictures and read the updates on your blog. What a special time! Many people are celebrating with you...word spreads fast around school when there's a new posting. We can see what a blessing this precious baby girl already is!
Mama n' Dada
Congrats we can't wait to see yawl back here in the States.
Molly and I love you I mean the 3 of ya!
Good Morning Vicki and Rick!
I'm sipping my Saturday morning coffee, reading over all the comments on your blog and waiting for more pictures :-) I love reading about how things are going there. I can't wait to meet Jinnae! Know we are praying for your safe and smooth return home! Enjoy this time--it is priceless!
Love from all of us!
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