We found out we could rent a stroller from the hotel for 70 cents a day so that's what we did. It has been nice to have, and Jinnae loves it. Today was her first stroller ride. She was more intriqued with the stroller then the scenery. We had a beautiful walk at the park and lake. Their was a nice brick path and lots of flowers.
When we came back, we had lunch in the hotel. They gave us a translated menu which was nice. I was excited to order a chef salad until I saw all the ingredients. It had ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, eggs and ox tongue! I went for a cheeseburger instead. The cheeseburger was beef with onions mixed in it. It tasted more like meatloaf but it was ok. The fries were good.
Jinnae likes to eat congee or steamed eggs when we go out. Congee is like a watered down rice. Steamed eggs are really soft egg whites with no yolk. (Hey sister, figure out how to make steamed eggs by Mother's Day! Love ya!)
After lunch, our intrepreter asked if I would like to go for a foot massage with her. I said sure. It was not only a foot massage but a leg, arm and back massage for forty-five minutes. It was wonderful! The only crazy things were that the water they brought in a bucket for me to put my feet in was boiling hot! I couldn't stand it. My interpreter, Kelly, wasn't phased by it at all. She told the girl working on me that I needed some cold water added. All the workers began to giggle and laugh. They thought I was a wussy American. Then when she began to massage me, it killed. I had to ask Kelly to tell them to do it softer. They laughed again. How can a 90 pound, 18 year old girl massage so hard?! When it was softer, it was wonderful. I'm glad I could entertain them. The massage costs five dollars. I tipped them well.
This evening, we tried out another local Chinese restaurant. The food was very spicy here. Once again I opted for the rice and Rick had a feast.
Jinnae still has a cold and cough. She was not her silly self. She was much more serious. She even took a 3 hour nap. I hope she feels better tomorrow. We are giving her medicine and a pharmacist in our group will give us an antibiotic, if it doesn't get better. All the babies in our group have colds.
I took the picture of the bathroom faucet for you to notice the two thermos by it. We have to boil any water we drink, brush teeth with, clean bottles with, etc. I am so thankful for clean water in America.
We look forward to more exploring of the province tomorrow.
I hope that the cough goes away, if it doesn't she won't be so funny to read about. Plus, she's ten times cuter when she's happy. And she has to be healthy to be happy. I hope the weather cools down for the police. Remember to continue to write, we enjoy reading them in class. I hope you can find a Chinese Church with a service you can understand. We miss you tons. So remember to come and visit multiple times, with Jinnae and Mr. Pulaski. We would like to meet the guy you are always talking about. I hope too hear from you soon!
Keep in touch!
She is soooooo cute!! You must be so happy to have her!! She looks very happy! I think china's goverment made a great choice for your little Jinnae! That name fits her perfect! I misss you a lot andd so does everyone else. Mrs. Medema is a great teacher and also fun but we still love you!!
jinnae is so cute. I want to see her so bad. All the pics are so cool.It's like were really there. By the way Mrs. Medema is doing very well but she does have a diffrent teaching style. I like it though. We have been going on your blog a lot. You are so lucky to have such a beautiful baby. I just love going on your blog. I look forward to writing to you. we check your blog every day. I miss you a lot.
Jinnea is just GORGEOUS!!!! I just can't get over how much she looks like Lia did as a baby in some of these pictures! Sheryl B. and my mom both said the same thing. Don't be afraid to give her the meds. We had to do that with Lia when we were in China. It's very common for them to have coughs and colds when you get them. Can't wait to see you guys when you get home.
Will you please be in prayer for Lia's friend Hannah H. She lives in our neighborhood and she was involved in a freak accident on her swing on Wed. night in which she got strangled by the rope. She is in critical condition at the children's hospital and right now everyone is just waiting to see how she will come out of her medical coma. They are taking her out starting today. So please remember Hannah H. in your prayers in China. You can be praying while we're sleeping with the 12 hour time difference.
I hope that jinnae's cough goes away. Our class always loves to read your blogs and look at the pictures! I bet you guys are going to be GREAT parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We miss you so much!!!!!!!! (I'm guessing that people would miss the best teacher in the whole world!) I'm so glad that I can still write to you on the blog and that you write on your blog so we know what your doing. I hope jinnae's cough gets better. She always looks so happy! She even looks happy when she does have a cough. She is so cute! (Sorry I keep saying, well, writing that to you, but she is so cute that I have to write that a lot!) We all miss you, so please come and visit often! I hope you guys have a great rest of the time in china.
Hi Sister!
We went to Brandi's baby shower. Her due date is June 15. Next time the whole family gets together we'll have two new ones present. Mom brought Jinnae's pictures from off the blog and was showing them to everyone. They all think she's adorable. The girls and I prayed for Jinnae's cough. I know God is healing her and everything is going to be o.k.
Love ya!
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