The people were very friendly. They loved looking at Jinnae. They didn't like that I had her in shorts. They believe babies need to be completely covered even though it is 80 degrees and humid. They forgave me though. :)
I am glad that we visited the village. It will be good to be able to share with Jinnae someday the type of home she was born in.
In the afternoon we went to a Chinese restaurant for lunch called The Music Cookhouse. All the food choices were on plates in a refrigerated glass case. We looked at them and chose what we wanted. I thought the fish looked good but I knew it wasn't cooked and the head would be left on so I opted for the chicken and rice instead. Rick ate a beef, tomato and egg dish. While we ate, musical performances would occur every 15 minutes. Jinnae loved this! She loves music and watching dancing.
We then rested in the hotel and Vicki was so happy to find out from our guide, Kelly, that there is a McDonald's here and they deliver to the hotel. The cheeseburger and fries were great! Rick and Jinnae just shook their heads at me, they do not care for such food. :)
Tomorrow we will be doing paperwork and visiting a park.
I have just looked at your trip for the first time. What an amazing place and a beautiful baby. I can already tell you will have to monitor Rick's every move so he doesn't pick Jinnae up at the sound of her every whimper. Yes, she will have daddy wrapped around her little finger (looks like she aready does). Praise the Lord for McDonalds!!!!!!
The home life of some of the locals is sad indeed. You can be thankful though that Jinnae came from this to your loving arms. We do forget how others have to live sometimes so it is good to be reminded. Thank the Lord you were born in America. I think even the poor here do not have it as bad as some of these people.
I'm surprised Vicki didn't find McDonalds before now. Looking forward to your return. Love, Mom and Dad
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pulaski,
We have enjoyed reading your blog postings. We especially like the pictures of Jinnae in her swimsuit and sunglasses. She is sooo... cute! We have also liked hearing more about China and where Jinnae is from. We are wondering if your McDonalds meal was just like it is here. Also, do you know how to say "hamburger" in Chinese yet?
MCS Fourth Graders
I cant believe that they think babies should be covered in 80 degree weather. Wouldn't jinnae get overheated? Any way she looks really cute in those shorts! I hope you have a safe trip back!
Dear Mrs. Pulaski,
I'm so happy for you; you found a McDonald's. Praise the Lord. You can take a break from rice. My mom said your probably going to loose several pounds if you keep eating rice!!
I think it was a good idea for you to go and see what it was like in one of those villages. I think it is kind of sad what goes on there. But I do think it isn't a very good idea to cover a baby. Jinnae could over heat, that would be bad for a baby.
Anyway have fun in China, Take a lots pictures for when Jinnae is older!
She has such a beautiful smile. It is very special and will be to Jinnae that you guys took this trip and these pictures. I am so thankful that she is here and has wonderful parents that will love and take care of her the way all children should be.
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