It was a very nice time. I am very blessed to have a job I love with great people to work with. I was also able to visit with my good friend, Dawn whom I used to work with. Dawn now teaches at Grand Haven Christian which is closer to her home.
My work friends gave us a gift certificate for free admission for a year to John Ball Park Zoo. We plan on spending much time there. It is nice that the zoo is only 15 minutes down the road. They also gave us a beautiful framed picture that was drawn by one of my previous students, Sarah Landstrom. Sarah is now in the eighth grade. The picture is beautiful and special.
We received many cute outfits and toys as well. I opened the toys when I got home and put them in a toy box for Jinnae. I know they won't always look this neat, but they make me excited to have Jinnae crawling around here soon. No exact travel dates yet - still waiting and praying that it will be very, very soon!
Don't you just love the pink chair?! Our friends Phil and Missy bought the chair for Jinnae.
Thanks for the special day, friends.
Rick, Jinnae and I are very thankful for all your kindness, thoughts and prayers.
By the way, Rick has been cranking away on the nursery every night this week. Pictures of the finished nursery should be this weekend. I hear the sander now!
Yeah!!! How very fun! Can't wait to see pics of Jinnae sitting in her little pink chair, and playing with her fun new toys. Praying for speedy travel times!! Karin
Hey Mrs.Pulaski,
Its Breunisje!!!
I hope you have a wonderful
spring break!!
I think so far the room looks WONDERFUL!!!
And also if you see Mrs.Rotman
again tell her i said hi,And we all miss you
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